black shelf/ estanteria negra
by mara solercanto3 items Last modified October 27, 2013The books I read from with black covers.
Els llibres que he llegit amb cuverta negra -
autores chilenos
by mara solercanto1 item Last modified August 30, 2013 -
Mundo árabe
by mara solercanto5 items Last modified July 10, 2013 -
moroccan female authors/ autores marroquís
by mara solercanto3 items Last modified July 10, 2013 -
by mara solercanto1 item Last modified July 2, 2013 -
Noveles gràfiques. Graphic novels
by mara solercanto2 items Last modified July 2, 2013 -
premio nadal
by mara solercanto1 item Last modified March 6, 2013Llibres que he llegit d'autores que han guanyat el premi nadal.
Books I have read wirtten by authors that won the premio nadal -
female catalan authors/ autores catalanes
by mara solercanto1 item Last modified March 6, 2013 -
by mara solercanto38 items Last modified February 27, 2013Llibres que es han llevat a la gran pantalla.
Books taht have been made into a movie. -
agatha christie
by mara solercanto9 items Last modified February 27, 2013Tots els llibres que he llegit de l'Agatha
All theAgatha's books I read -
Spanish Female authors from 2000 outwards. Autoras españolas del 2000
by mara solercanto89 items Last modified January 14, 2013 -
Spanish female authors from 1950 to 2000/ escritoras españolas que escribieron desde 1950 a 2000
by mara solercanto120 items Last modified January 14, 2013 -
Spanish Female authors, autoras españolas de 1900 a 1950
by mara solercanto43 items Last modified January 14, 2013A list of female authors that come from Spain and lived between 1900 and 1950ish
Una lista de autoras españolas que vivieron entre 1900 a 1950 -
spanish female authors XIX/ autoras españolas del siglo XIX
by mara solercanto8 items Last modified January 14, 2013 -
Spanish female authors from 1600 to 1700/ autoras españolas del siglo xxvii
by mara solercanto1 item Last modified January 14, 2013
Recent Activity
When | What | Who | Comment |
October 27, 2013 | mara solercanto | Added A most wanted man to the list. | |
August 30, 2013 | mara solercanto | Created a new list. | |
July 30, 2013 | mara solercanto | Added Moon palace to the list. | |
July 10, 2013 | mara solercanto | Added Embroideries to the list. | |
July 10, 2013 | mara solercanto | Added Year of the elephant. A moroccan woman´s journey toward independence to the list. |