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Congresses, Civilization, History, Congrès, Civilisation, Histoire, Congressi, Cultura, KunstPlaces
Rome (Italy), Rome (Italie), Roma, Italy, Rome, RomShowing 1 featured edition. View all 1 editions?
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Proceedings of a Conference on Early Modern Rome 1341-1667 held on May 13-15, 2010 in Rome
2011, Edisai
in English
8896714060 9788896714065
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Table of Contents
Preface / Portia Prebys ; Welcoming remarks / Portia Prebys, Giulia L. Hairston, Massimo Miglio, Anna Maria Oliva, Portia Prebys
Petrarch, Rome, and Cola di Rienzo (Chair: Serena Sapegno): De-familiarizing the ruins of Rome: Petrarch̕s Familiares / Margaret Brose; Petrarch, Rome and the dark ages / Alexander Lee ; Ad antiquam amicitiam renovandam: from Cola di Rienzo̕s politics of Amicitia to Petrarch̕s community of friends / Steve Baker
Sisto V (Chair: Patrizia Cavazzini): Luogo del sapere. La costruzione e la decorazione della Biblioteca Vaticana nella politica culturale di Sisto V / Dalma Frascarelli ; Il tardo umanesimo nella Roma di Sisto V (e del Tasso) / Mauro Sarnelli
La raffigurazione delle biblioteche antiche negli affreschi di Sassari del Salone Sistino / Valentina Prosperi
Diplomacy and diplomats (Chair: Thomas V. Cohen): I legati pontifici nel XV secolo: ruolo diplomatico e strategie politiche / Massimo Miglio ; The city of Rome as a space for diplomacy / Catherine Fletcher ; Le lettere degli ambasciatori: una fonte significativa per la storia di Roma nel XV secolo / Paola Farenga and Anna Modigliani
Renaissance individuals (Chair: Yvonne Dohna): Bembo in Rome: from passion to disenchantment / Luca Marcozzi ; Michelangelo, Petrarca e la fugura della Vergine nel giudizio sistino / Paolo Carloni and Monica Grasso ; Il cardinal Alessandro de̕ Medici diplomatico e riformatore ritratto da Scipione Pulzone / Costanza Barbieri
Gender, magic, and esotericism (Chair: Renata Ago): Streghe a Roma e dintorni / Maria Teresa Guerra Medici
Cosmetics, remedies and alchemy: making and selling secrets in Seventeenth-century Rome / Tessa Storey ; Opportunity lost: Christian prophecy, musical magic, and the road not taken in counter-reformation Rome / Marjorie Roth
Culture in the papal court (Chair: Paolo Alei): Greek mathematics in Rome and the aesthetics of geometry in Piero della Francesca / Ingrid Alexander-Skipnes ; Rome, centre de l̕humanisme européen, de Paul III à Marcel II: à propos de quelques éditions d̕auteurs antiques / Raphaële Mouren ; Gli Hieroglyphica di Pierio Valeriano e la corte di Roma / Chiara Cassiani
Nuns and saints (Chair: Carolyn Valone): Female presentation and agency in nuns̕ music of early modern Rome / Kimberlyn Montford ; Scandal Averted: the case of the papal singer Giovanni Luca Conforti and the nuns of S. Caterina dei Funari / Noel O̕Regan ; Tadhg Ó Cianáin̕s Roman narrative, 1608 / Micheál Mac Craith
Ritual space and rethoric (Chair: Rose Marie San Juan): Sant̕Agata dei Goti on the Quirinal: an early Sixteenth-century fulcrum for politics and learning under cardinal Ridolfi / Lucinda Byatt ; The scenographic city square in early modern Rome / Genevieve Warwick ; The rethoric of the garden gate in early modern Rome / Katherine M. Bentz
Rome and foreigners (Chair: Antonella De Michelis): Una città d̕immigranti: dalla fine della cattività avignonese alla guerra dei Trent̕anni / Matteo Sanfilippo ; L̕inquisizione e gli stranieri a Roma in età moderna / Irene Fosi ; The Portuguese New Christian Lobby in Rome: 1532-1555 / James Nelson Novoa
Music, art, and dance (Chair: Cristiana Filippini): Between architect and artisan: The role of professional guilds and confraternities in Early modern Rome / Paul Arthur Anderson ; The dances Moresca (and mattaccino): multiformity of a genre. From the palaces of cardinals and popes to enactments by artisan in the streets of 17th century Roma / Barbara Sparti ; Leonora Baroni Cantatrice: the Roman Virtuos as courtier / Amy Brosius
Strategies (Chair: Marina D̕Amelia): Moving about: women in the Urban Fabric of Sixteenth-Century Rome / Katherine A. McIver ; Roma caput Italiae: Elite marriage and the making of an Italian ruling class / P. Renée Baernstein ; Mastro Pasquino̕s Lament to Tullia d̕Aragona
Performance (Chair: Luca Marcozzi): Feste, luoghi e rituali dell̕incoronazione poetica nell̕Accademia Romana / Raimondo Guarino ; Waxing poetic: a poetry contest and the quest for fame / Eric Nicholson ; Antonio Cesti̕s Orontea in Rome (1661): visual splendor of aristocratic entertainment / Valeria De Lucca
Physicians/Bodies (Chair: Federica Favino): Andrés Laguna, Juan Valverde e la circolazione scientific tra Roma e la Spagna nel Cinquecento / Elisa Andretta ; Holy bodies: anatomy and sanctity in Post-Tridentine Rome / John Christopoulos
Art and myth (Chair Laurie Kalb): Images, aesthetics and empiricism from Palazzo Farnese to the Arcadian Academy / Ayana Smith ; Meaning and attribution: a new Narcissus in the school of Caravaggio / Paolo Alei ; Un maggiore diletto: Staging Ovidian fantasies in early modern Rome / Wendy Heller
Culture and foreigners in Rome (Chair: Eric Nicholson): An early modern Frenchman reads Rome: Les souspirs of Olivier de Magny / JoAnn DellaNeva ; Spanish golden age drama in papal Rome: the adaptations of Giulio cardinal Rospigliosi / Nancy D̕Antuono ; Spent too soon for so long a preparation: late Seventeenth-century celebrations in Rome for king James II of England / Peter Leech
Religious life (Chair: Renée Baernstein): Preaching across Rome in the Sixteenth century: three key sites for Catholic identity / Emily Michelson ; Icons, guidebooks, and the religious topography of Sixteenth century Rome (Andrew R. Casper) ; Women̕s semi-religious life in Rome (15th-17th century) / Querciolo Mazzonis
The long arm of Rome (Chair: Anne Wingenter): The master and the soundscape: Palestrina and the musical image of Rome between the Sixteenth and Seventeenth centuries / Daniele V. Filippi ; L̕Ospizio dei Convertendi, storie di conversioni miracolose e l̕assistenza romana caratterizzata dallo spirito post-tridentino / Anu Raunio ; Re-configuring-and re-organizing the new American worlds: big dreams, tentative steps, small achievements / Luca Codignola-Bo
Humanism and humanist (Chair: Patricia Osmond): A Renaissance translation studii: eloquence̕s return to Rome from exile / Patrick Backer ; The crisis of Masculinity in Paolo Giovio̕s Ischian dialogue / Kenneth Gouwens ; Da S. Francesca Romana agli spirituali moderati. Origin e continuità dell̕̕umanesimo religioso di Latino Giovenale de̕ Manetti / Angela Quattrocchi
Urbanism (Chair: Antonella De Michelis): Alexander VI̕s plans for Rome / Andrea Branchi ; Angling for Aqua in pre-Sistine Rome (1570-1585) / Katherine Wentworth Rinne ; The banchi in Rione di Ponte: architecture and urbanism / Lauren A. Jacobi
Sviluppi e caratteri dell̕area urbana di via della Lungara dalla metà del Cinquecento alla metà del Seicento / Maurizio Caperna
Gender and antagonism (Chair: Maria Teresa Guerra Medici): Masculinity and violence: was there anything special about Rome / Laurie Nussdorfer ; La Romana agonistes: broomsticks and fighting words c. 1600 / Elizabeth S. Cohen
Bartolomeo Camerario-legist, polemicist, chief of the Annona, collector of young girls / Thomas V. Cohen
The Church, antiquity, and art (Chair: Carolyn Smyth): Space, memory, and Sixtus IV at SS. Vito e Modesto / Jill Elizabeth Blondin ; Founding Rome anew: pope Sixtus IV and the foundation of Ponte Sisto 1473 / Minou Schraven
Morte e rinascita della scultura a Roma nell̕età della Controriforma / Harula Economopoulos
News and knowledge (Chair: Nick Wilding): The papal court as a clearing-house for international news in the second half of the 15th century / Paul M. Dover ; La quinta parte del mondo: mission e conoscenze a Roma in età moderna / Giovanni Pizzorusso ; The friendship of Alexander VII and Athanasius Kircher, 1637-1667 / Ingrid Rowland
Violence real and rhetorical (Chair: Julia L. Hairston): Reshaping Rome̕s narrative: the curious case of Sigismondo Malatesta̕s execution / Costanza Gilson Dopfel ; Giambattista Girlaldi Cinzio (1504-1573) and the sack of Rome / Nancy E. Goldsmith ; The consumption of violence: carriage culture in early modern Rome / John M. Hunt
Spain in Italy (Chair: James Nelson Novoa): Gli oratori spagnoli a Roma tra fine Quattrocento e primo Cinquecento / Anna Maria Oliva ; The journey of Bernini̕s Río de la Plata / Rose Marie San Juan ; L̕arciconfraternita dei napoletani a Roma tra XVI e XVII secolo / Piero Ventura
Strategies of the nobility (Chair: Stefanie Siegmund): How to become Illustre? Civic nobility and neighborhoods in the Renaissance and Baroque Rome / Eleonora Canepari ; Red Hat strategies: elevating cardinals, 1471-1549 / Jennifer Mara DeSilva ; The Maestri di Strade: political strategies and social mobility in Farnese Rome / Antonella De Michelis
Index of authors and chairpersons
List of attendees.
Edition Notes
On title page: Under the Auspices of The Association of American College and University Progarams in Italy (AACUPI) ; The University of California, Rome Study Center, with Accent; with the collaboration of Istituto storico italiano per il medioevo, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea, Istituto di Studi Rinascimentali.
Includes bibliographical references.
Italian or English with one contribution in French.
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