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FIA is responsible for periodic assessments of the status and trends of the renewable resources of America's forests. Fundamental to the accomplishment of these assessments are the State-by-State resource inventories, which are now conducted on an annual basis. This report summarizes the results, interpretations, and future significance of Utah's annual inventory. The organization and layout of this report begins with a short introduction of FIA's annual inventory system and then a detailed description of its inventory methods. After an overview of the report tables, the bulk of the report is contained in the "Forest Resources" and "Current Issues" and "FIA Indicators" sections, and finishes with a discussion of Utah's Timber Products. The "Forest Resources" section is outlined similar to past periodic reports for ease of comparisons. The "Current Issues" and "FIA Indicators" sections cover topics considered pertinent to Utah's forests relative to the information FIA collects, and points to other related or more in-depth studies and research.
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Statistics, Forest surveys, Forests and forestryPlaces
UtahEdition | Availability |
Utah's forest resources, 2000-2005
2010, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station
in English
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Edition Notes
Cover title.
"December 2010."
Includes bibliographical references (p. 95-99).
Also available on the World Wide Web.
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