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Previews available in: English
Congresses, Academic libraries, Research librariesPlaces
United StatesEdition | Availability |
Learning to make a difference: proceedings of the Eleventh National Conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries, April 10-13, 2003, Charlotte, North Carolina
2003, Association of College and Research Libraries
in English
0838982263 9780838982266
Book Details
Table of Contents
A comparison of the functions and processes associated with identifying, selecting, acquiring, and organizing paper books and electronic books / Lynn Silipigni Connaway and Stephen R. Lawrence
Assessing user needs for an image delivery system / Henry Pisciotta and Ann Copeland
Making informed decisions: the implications of assessment / Susan J. Beck
Organizational entry, sense making & new professional employees in academic libraries / Janice Simons-Welburn and William C. Welburn
Attributes for the next generation of library directors / Arthur P. Young, Ronald R. Powell, and Peter Hernon
The essential librarian? : an exploration of academic librarians as a "keystone species" / Jessica George, Lisa Stillwell, and Marjorie Warmkessel
What do faculty need? : academic library resources and services that increase research productivity / Ethelene Whitmire
Bringing the library to students: linking customized library resources through a course management system / Loanne Snavely and Helen Smith
Hook, line, and ... sinking? : helping faculty stay afloat in the sea of technology / Darlene Nichols and Laurie Sutch
The power of partnerships : spanning the digital divide for teacher education / Mem Stahley
Working with wisdom : collaboration between career services and university libraries / Paula Quenoy and Elizabeth Orgeron
An "all" electronic journal collection in a university library : two years later / Carol Hansen Montgomery and Donald W. King
Digital video : the next step in reference and education / Susan Lessick et al.
Open source culture / Edward Iglesias
Portals, super discover tools, and the new academic platform : ensuring a collective research library presence on the Web / Mary Jackson
Potentials of dynamic database-driven web sites / Francie Davis and Laura Pope Robbins
Shifting sands of professional identity : the leader's role / Tara Lynn Fulton
Work values of academic librarians : examining the relationships between values, job satisfaction, commitment, and intent to leave / Barbara Burd
A look at now and then : salaries of academic and research librarians / Tom Terrell and Vicki Gregory
Can we encourage learning by shaping environment? : patterns of seating behavior in undergraduates / Virginia Yyoung
Diversity and organizational success : a survey of chief academic officers / Mark Winston and Haipeng Li
Does the building really matter? : facility improvements and library usage / Harold Shill
Men's work, women's work : the social shaping of technology in academic libraries / Lori Ricigliano
Strategies for successful hiring : common sense interviewing techniques / Francie Davis
The future is not just for librarians, it's for staff, too / Sally Kalin
The library as place in the lives of African Americans / Ruth Shoge
Turnover trends among directors of ARL libraries, 1948-2001 / James Neal
Collaborating with our own patrons : let the users select / Lynn Sutton
Computer anxiety in the 21st century / Rita Kohrman
Creating the Arizona electronic atlas : a GIS partnership / Catherine Larson ... [et al.]
Evolution of the thesis literature review : a faculty-librarian partnership to guide off-campus graduate research and writing / Mary Bowser and Rosemary Green
How historians locate primary resource materials / Helen Tibbo
Journey with new maps : adjusting mental models & rethinking instruction to language-minority / Miriam Conteh-Morgan
Online library instruction : the good, the bad, and the ugly / Kornelia Tancheva
Online privacy vs. enhanced virtual reference : what do patrons really want? / Amy VanScoy and Megan Oakleaf
The catalog of the future : integrating electronic resources / Dana Caudle
What faculty want : a study of attitudes influencing faculty collaboration in library instruction / Molly Molloy, Kate Manuel, and Susan Beck
Where it counts : departmental curriculum committees and librarians / Veronica Reyes and Sheril Hook
Effect of the Web on undergraduate citation behavior / Phil Davis
Faculty views of the transition from print to electronic formats / Janet Palmer and Mark Sandler
National survey documents effects of Internet use on libraries ? amy Friedlander
Smoothing the transition to mandatory electronic theses / Betsy Coles and George Porter
Social sciences literature and electronic information / Corrie Christensen and John Budd.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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