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Musikarchäologie im Kontext: archäologische Befunde, historische Zusammenhänge, soziokulturelle Beziehungen : Vorträge des 4. Symposiums der Internationalen Studiengruppe Musikarchäologie im Kloster Michaelstein, 19.-26. September 2004 = Music archaeology in context : archaeological semantics, historical implications, socio-cultural connotations : papers from the 4th Symposium of the International Study Group on Music Archaeology at Monastery Michaelstein, 19-26 September 2004
2006, Marie Leidorf, M. Leidorf
in German
389646650X 9783896466501
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Orient-Arch aologie, Bd. 20: Musikarchologie im Kontext = Music archaeology in context. Vortr age des 4. Symposiums der Internationalen Studiengruppe Musikarch aologie im Kloster Michaelstein, 19.-26- September 2004
Publish date unknown, VML Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH
in Multiple languages
- 1 Auflage.
389646650X 9783896466501
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Book Details
Table of Contents
Bereich I, Archäologischer Kontext = Field I, Archaeological context. Sites, landscapes and 'portable antiquities': the nature and value of context in the music-archaeological record / Graeme Lawson
The Charlesland (Wicklow) pipes / Peter Holmes, Bernice Molloy
Zwei Sackpfeifenfragmente als archäologische Zeugen norddeutscher Musikkultur / Ralf Gehler
Rohrblattinstrumente mit rechteckigem bis flachrundem Querschnitt: archaische Regionalform oder 'Europäer'? / Merit Zloch
A lyre from the cemetery of the Acharnian Gate, Athens / Stelios Psaroudakēs
Under the safe cover of sound: the sense of music in a cycle of life-and-death according to Andean tradition / Anna Gruszczyńska-Ziółkowska.
Bereich II, Kontextlose Objekte: Wiederentdeckte und rekonstruierte Zusammenhänge = Field II, Context rediscovered and reconstructed: objects without context. Eine frühneolithische Gefässrassel von Rossleben/Thüringen / Dieter Kaufmann
Neolithic drums in China / Bo Lawergren
An Egyptian lyre in Leiden / Lise Manniche, Jürgen Osing
The Peruvian whistling vessels of the Museum of Ethnology Berlin: a research from the acoustic and technological point of view / Friedemann Schmidt
Whistling bottles: sound, mind and water / José Pérez de Arce
Altamerikanische Objekte ohne Kontext: eine organologische Konstruktion anhand historischer Quellen aus der Inkazeit / Lars-Christian Koch, Julio Mendívil.
Bereich III, Handwerk im Dienst von Kontextinterpretationen = Field III, Context reinterpreted: the impact of craftsmanship. The Killyfaddy Four: transition? / Simon O'Dwyer
Zur Frage der Datierung der Trompete von Zsámbeck, Ungarn / Cristina-Georgeta Alexandrescu
Celtic bugle, Roman lituus, or medieval ban horn? An evaluation of cast bronze horns with an upturned bell / Annemies Tamboer, Vincent van Vilsteren
Instruments and their music from the 5th Century BC in classical Greece / Conrad Steinmann, Paul J. Reichlin
Ancient noise generators / Roberto Velázquez Cabrera.
Bereich IV, Im Kontext der Musik: Klänge, Tonordnungen, Notationen = Field IV, Musical conceptions as context: sounds, tonal orders, and notations. How the Mesopotamians did or did not express the concept of the octave / Anne Draffkorn Kilmer
The context of tunings: thirds and septimal intervals in ancient Greek music / Stefan Hagel
Ogam and interlace notation, fact or fiction? / John Purser
On the context of imitative and associative processes in pre-Hispanic music / Arnd Adje Both.
Bereich V, Soziokulturelle Zusammenhänge = Field V, Socio-cultural contexts. Women players in ancient Greece: the context of symposia and the socio-cultural position of psaltriai and aulētrides in the Classical World / Eleonora Rocconi
Die 'internationale' Welt der Musik anhand der Briefe aus Mari (Syrien, 18. Jh. v. Chr.) / Nele Ziegler
The social standing of musicians in ancient Egypt / Alexandra von Lieven
The national project for the revival of ancient Egyptian music at the Faculty of Music Education, Helwan University Cairo / Khairy El-Malt.
Bereich VI, Ikonographische und literarische Kontextstudien = Field VI, Context reconsidered: iconographical and literary sources. Some observations on the alg̃arsur / Dahlia Shehata
The wisdom of the lyre: soundings in ancient Greece, Cyprus and the Near East / John Curtis Franklin
Leier und Schwert im merowingerzeitlichen Alamannien / Walter Salmen
Signal markers and magical instruments of music in ancient Hebrew and Arabic sources / Amnon Shiloah
Signalinstrumente in Altisrael im musikarchäologischen, literarischen und historischen Kontext / Hans Seidel
Die Geschichte der Sackpfeife, statistisch untersucht / Fritz Schneider
The early history of the Scottish bagpipe / Hugh Cheape.
Edition Notes
Festschrift in honor of Anne D. Kilmer's 75th birthday.
Accompanying CD-ROM consists of an electronic copy of the book (PDF files).
Includes bibliographical references.
System requirements for CD-ROM: PC or MAC, Adobe-Acrobat reader.
German and English; includes summaries in German and English.
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