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Learning curve models have gained widespread acceptance as a technique for analyzing and forecasting the cost of items produced from a repetitive process. Considerable research has investigated augmenting the traditional learning curve model with the addition of a production rate variable, creating a rate adjustment model. This study compares the predictive accuracy of the learning curve and rate adjustment models. A simulation methodology is used to vary conditions along seven dimensions. Forecast errors are analyzed and compared under the various simulated conditions using ANOVA. Overall results indicate that neither model dominates; each is more accurate under some conditions. Conditions under which each model tends to result in lower forecast errors are identified and discussed. Keywords: Learning curves, Cost estimates, Cost models, Cost analysis, Production rate, Predictions, Forecasting. (RWJ)
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COST ANALYSIS, ACCURACYEdition | Availability |
Learning curve and rate adjustment models: comparative prediction accuracy under varying conditions
1990, Naval Postgraduate School, Available from National Technical Information Service
in English
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Edition Notes
Cover title.
"November 1990."
AD A230 075.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 32-34)
aq/aq cc:9116 03/27/97.
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